Participants information

Dear participants of the 24th Radiocarbon and the 10th Radiocarbon & Archaeology Conferences,

The conferences start in a few days, time for us to provide you with more detailed information.

For some of you the conferences start on Sunday (Sept. 11th) with workshops at ETH Hoenggerberg, where you will have the possibility to register for the conference and where the ice breaker party will take place.

The main Conferences will start on Monday (Sept 12th) at ETH-Zentrum, which is located in downtown Zurich. There, you will also have the possibility to register for the conference.

For more information on how to get to the different locations please consider our webpages at:

Program and book of abstracts

You will find a printed version of the conference program in your conference bag, which will be handed over to you at the registration desk together with your badge and many other things. You can download the program leaflet and the book of abstracts (which will not be printed) using the following links:

The always up to date online conference program can be found at:

Oral and poster presentations

Please consider our webpage for detailed information on presenting guidelines for authors:

All oral presenters are kindly requested to upload their talks at least 24h in advance using the link:

In order to assign your presentations (in pptx or pdf format) to the correct session please rename your presentation as follows: “presentation code”_”name of the presenter”, e.g.: A01_01_Dreshaj

The presentation code can be found at:

Zoom stream and recordings

All registered participants will have access to the zoom live stream and the recordings of the oral presentations via:

The recordings of the sessions will be available on the next day.

We are looking very much forward to welcoming all of you in person or online at the conference.

We would like to wish those who will be traveling to Zurich a good journey – we hope to see you at the ice breaker!

Elisabetta Boaretto (Weizmann Institute)
Irka Hajdas (ETH Zurich)
Hans-Arno Synal (ETH Zurich)
Joint Conference Chairs