Conference program

Dear all,

We would like to inform you that the detailed program for the 24th Radiocarbon and the 10th Radiocarbon & Archaeology Conferences is now available on our web page.

A general overview can be found at:

Daily programs are available by selecting a specific day under “Program (Mon-Fri)” in the “Program” menu item on our main page:

The names of the invited speakers are highlighted with a blue background (daily program) or marked with an asterisk (program overview).

Individual abstracts can be viewed by clicking on the presentation code (e.g. T01_0x) of the respective talk or poster.

An overview of all sessions can be found under the “Sessions” item in the Program menu. If you click on the session code (e.g., A01), you can view a collection of all abstracts for the selected session on this website, including both oral and poster presentations.

Clicking on the conference logo will take you back to the program overview.

We would like to remind you that all presenting authors have to register before Monday, August 15th, to confirm their presentation.

With kind regards,
Elisabetta Boaretto (Weizmann Institute)
Irka Hajdas (ETH Zurich)
Hans-Arno Synal (ETH Zurich)
Joint Conference Chairs