
Preparation method of foraminifera radiocarbon sample and its age determination at GXNU-AMS

Qi L1, Tang J1, Shi S1, Wang L1, Zhang G1, Chen D1, Shen H1,2

1Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China, 2Guangxi key laboratory of nuclear physics and nuclear technology, Guilin, China

Foraminifera radiocarbon (14C) measurements allow absolute geological dating with high accuracy. However, the reliable and accurate measurement of foraminiferal radiocarbon is challenging due to the small sample size and the sample preparation procedure. A series of foraminifera and shell samples from the Pearl River Estuary of China were prepared and performed radiocarbon measurements with a campact accelerator mass spectrometer (GXNU-AMS) at Guangxi Normal University. The results showed that the recovery rate of the samples was more than 80%, and the formation time of foraminifera was between 525 yrBP and 37500yrBP.


Keywords: Foraminifera; GXNU-AMS; 14C