
Experimental study on charge exchange cross sections of low energy Carbon ions in helium at GXNU

Zhang G1, Zhao Z1, Shi S1, Tang J1, Wang L1, Chen D1, Qi L1, Shen H1,2

1Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China, 2Guangxi key laboratory of nuclear physics and nuclear technology, Guilin, China

Compared with nitrogen and argon, helium is lighter and can better reduce the beam loss caused by angular scattering during beam transmission, and the molecular dissociation cross-section in helium at low energy is high and stable, which makes the helium the prevalent stripping gas at low energy AMS. For the further study of the stripping behavior of 14C ions in helium at low energy, the charge state distributions of ion beams of carbon ions with -1, +1, +2, +3, and +4  charge states were measured at the energies of 40-220 keV with a compact 14C-AMS at Guangxi Normal University(GXNU).  Based on the experimental data, the stripping characteristics of C-He in the energy range of 40-220keV were analyzed, and the new charge state yields and exchange cross-sections in C-He at the energies of 40-220keV were obtained. 


KeywordsAMS;  state yield;   cross section;