
Absolute dating with 14C and 41Ca - is it feasible?

Kutschera W1,   Paul M2

1University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

It is well-known that ‘wiggles‘ and ‘plateaus‘ of the 14C calibration curve often limit the precision of age determinations. In principle this problem could be avoided by absolute dating [1]. This requires to measure the ‘mother/daughter‘ abundance ratio 14C/14N* which is independent of the initial 14C abundance and only depends on the half-life and the age. Whereas 14C dating in the ‘classical‘ way is well established – although with the limitations mentioned above – dating with 41Ca (half-life = 100,000 years) would require absolute dating because a global calibration curve for 41Ca does not exist. In this case, the abundance ratio of 41Ca/41K* has to be measured. In both cases the ubiquitous existence of stable nitrogen or potassium on Earth makes the detection of the feeble radiogenic signals of 14N* and 41K* extremely challenging.


It was noted by Szabo et al. [1] that the kinematics of the 14C beta decay leads to 14N* recoil energies < 6.9 eV comparable to binding energies of atoms in molecules. Due to the pure electron-capture decay of 41Ca, the recoil energy of 41K* is even lower: <2.2 eV: Thus, there exist a certain retention probability for the decay products to stay in the original molecule or change their chemical character. Possible detection methods of 14N* and 41K* and their potential applications in archaeology will be discussed.      


[1]  J. Szabo, I. Carmi, D. Segal, E. Mintz, “An attempt at absolute 14C dating,“ Radiocarbon

      40/1 (1998) 77-83.