
Holocene glacier chronologies from various cosmogenic nuclides combined with radiocarbon dating

Schimmelpfennig I1, Charton J1, Jomelli V1, Schaefer J2, Lamp J2, Godard V1, Bard E1

1Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, IRD, INRAE, CEREGE, Aix En Provence, France, 2LDEO, Columbia University, Palisades, USA

This presentation deals with the reconstruction of Holocene glacier advances and retreats using cosmogenic nuclide dating of glacial landforms in combination with radiocarbon-dates in various glacier forefields. One site is Steingletscher (Central European Alps, Northern mid-latitudes), where we applied the emerging approach of paired ¹⁰Be-¹⁴C dating of recently deglaciated bedrock to constrain the duration of Holocene glacier recession. Combining the results with the ¹⁰Be moraine chronology and existing radiocarbon dates of organic material from the same site allowed reconstructing the glacier’s Holocene retreat and advance history (Schimmelpfennig et al., Clim. Past 18, 23-44, 2022). Large glacier extents prevailed in the Earliest and the Late Holocene, while in between significant retreat occurred during several millennia, which is in agreement with existing glacier chronologies in the Alps and other parts of the North-Atlantic region as well as in the Tropics (Jomelli et al., Nat. Comm. 13, 1419, 2022).

Another site is Ampere glacier on the basaltic Kerguelen archipelago in the Southern mid-latitudes. We reconstructed the Holocene behavior of this glacier, using ³⁶Cl dating of moraines and paired bedrock and erratic boulder surfaces (Charton et al., QSR 283, 107461, 2022). The results, combined with earlier published radiocarbon-dates of peat, imply that glaciers had significantly retracted extents throughout the Holocene, while Holocene maximum extents occurred only in the last millennium. This pattern is quasi-unique and highlights the non-uniformity of Holocene glacier behavior throughout southern mid-latitudes.



Ion-Laser InterAction Mass Spectrometry for long-lived cosmogenic radionuclides in stony meteorites

Martschini M1, Merchel S1, Marchhart O1, Wieser A1, Golser R1

1University of Vienna - Faculty of Physics, Isotope Physics - VERA, Vienna, Austria

Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is usually the method-of-choice for the detection of long-lived cosmogenic nuclides such as 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 36Cl, 41Ca, 53Mn and 60Fe with half-lifes between 6 ka and 4 Ma. Until recently however, tedious radiochemical separation to deplete matrices and isobars was a prerequisite for AMS hindering fast analysis.

Now, the world-wide unique Ion-Laser InterAction Mass Spectrometry (ILIAMS) system developed at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator (VERA) [1] can eliminate the need for chemistry in selected cases, i.e. presently for samples with stable isotope abundance of ≥1‰ and isotopic ratios above 10^−11.

Laser photodetachment and ion-molecule-reactions of anions provide unprecedented isobar suppression for many AMS-isotopes by up to eleven orders of magnitude. Hence, ILIAMS-assisted AMS enables the direct detection of e.g., 26Al/27Al (~10−10, extraction of AlO) and 41Ca/40Ca (~10−11, extraction of CaF3) in simply-crushed stony meteorites containing intrinsic ~1% Al and Ca. The presence of isobars originating from the natively-abundant elements (15% Mg, 1‰ K) does not cause any analysis problem making radiochemical separation redundant.

This newly-established instrumental AMS (IAMS) is opening routes to high-sample throughput analysis, reasonable and fast provenance checks for (extra-)terrestrial origin and identification of frauds. Additionally, first 26Al/27Al (~10−11) tests on terrestrial quartz samples from high altitudes used for exposure dating look promising to instantly set-up IAMS as a pre-screening and sample selection method for in-situ dating applications before starting tedious chemistry for more accurate results.


[1] M. Martschini et al. Radiocarbon 2021, first view, doi.org/10.1017/RDC.2021.73.



Soil dynamics revealed by cosmogenic nuclides


1Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, 3CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France

Over the last few years, considerable attention has been devoted in the scientific literature and in the media to the concept of “ecosystem” services of soils. The monetary valuation of these services is often depicted as a necessary condition for the preservation of the natural capital that soils represent. Amongst the eleven recognized services of soil, at least eight are associated to soil carbon dynamics and to particles displacement: carbon sequestration, climate regulation, provision of food, nutrient cycling, habitat for organisms, flood regulation and foundation for human infrastructure.

Assessing the capacity of soils to provide these services is an immediate societal priority. Conventional solutions such as measuring carbon content, bulk density, particle size distribution... don’t always allow to reach the dynamics notion and/or to answer questions quickly enough for a process reversal to take place. As an alternative method, measuring cosmogenic nuclides can be used to determine the timing of events and the dynamics of major pedological processes. They can provide clues to soil carbon dynamics and particle movement within the profiles themselves. Their use is thus beyond determining rates of erosion, denudation and uplift by analyzing the upper layers of soil profiles as typically done with such isotopes.

In this presentation, we will outline key elements delivered by cosmogenic nuclides to the soil sciences. They have been used alone or in combination with others isotopes. 14C, 10Be, 137Cs, 210Pb will be discussed for the modeling of carbon dynamics in soils and for the transfer of fine particles in profiles.




What we still need to learn: lessons from five years operation of the ANSTO in-situ 14C laboratory

Fulop R1, SMITH A1, Yang B1, White D2, Stutz J3, Codilean A4, Fink D1

1Australia's Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Sydney, Australia, 2University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia, 3Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 4University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia

In-situ 14C is slowly but steadily gaining its place in the cosmogenic nuclide toolkit. The isotope’s relatively short half-life of 5730 years, when compared to the longer-lived and more routinely analysed cosmogenic nuclides, means that it is substantially more sensitive to short term variations in process rates or more suitable at investigating recent exposure events. The above property has proven very valuable in studying deglaciation histories in Antarctica, where the low erosion rates and cold-based glaciation produce widespread inheritance in erratics or bedrock surfaces making it difficult to quantify ice sheet retreat solely with 10Be. Furthermore, in-situ 14C used in combination with 26Al and 10Be is also particularly well suited to studying the relatively short timescales that characterize fluvial sediment transfer and storage, once more illustrated well by recent work.


Despite the above, the extraction of in-situ 14C from geological samples is still problematic, with recent laboratory intercomparison studies showing considerable overdispersion in both intra and inter laboratory comparisons of standard materials. The discrepancies between laboratories have been attributed to several factors, including the quality of some intercomparison materials, however, clear consensus on the matter is yet to be reached.


We will discuss issues of in-situ 14C systematics related to phase transformation and micro graphitisation. We will also showcase examples where sample type and quartz impurity have large bearing on success of sample extraction and obtained 14C results. Lastly, we revisit aspects of in-situ 14C systematics that still carry considerable uncertainty.



Reconstructing the timing of Pleistocene glacier advances in the Swiss northern Alpine Foreland

Dieleman C1, Christl M2, Vockenhuber C2, Gautschi P2, Akçar N1

1University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

During the last decade, isochron-burial dating was successfully used in constraining the timing of fluvial sediment deposition. Though, its application to glacial and glaciofluvial deposits is challenging because these deposits are generally characterized by low cosmogenic nuclide concentrations due to repeated glacial erosion. The Swiss northern Alpine Foreland witnessed repeated glacier advances during the Quaternary; thirteen advances were identified yet. The records of these advances are found in, from the oldest to the youngest, Höhere Deckenschotter (HDS; Higher Cover Gravels), Tiefere Deckenschotter (TDS; Lower Cover Gravels), Hochterrasse (HT; Higher Terrace) and Niederterrasse (NT; Lower Terrace). The Deckenschotter are characterized by a succession of glaciofluvial gravel beds intercalated with glacial and/or overbank deposits and considered to be the oldest Quaternary deposits, however their chronology is still under debate, because the first cosmogenic nuclide chronology, recently established at few sites, contradicts the existing morphostratigraphy. In this study, we present a solid cosmogenic nuclide chronology for the Swiss Deckenschotter reconstructed at eighteen sites during the last decade. Based on this chronology, we revealed the timing of five Pleistocene glaciations between ca. 2.5 Ma and ca. 250 ka, whereof three occurred during the Early Pleistocene prior to the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution (MPR) and two during the Middle Pleistocene. Based on this new chronostratigraphy, we conclude that the Swiss Deckenschotter are cut-and-fill sequences. Furthermore, these ages indicate a rather constant local base level between 2.5 Ma and 1 Ma, which has likely been lowered afterwards probably induced by the MPR.


Developing an in-situ 14C chronology for North Greenland

Søndergaard A1, Steineman O1, Haghipour N1, Wacker L1, Ivy-Ochs S1, Larsen N2

1Laboratory for Ion Beam Physics, Eth Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 2Centre for GeoGenetics, GLOBE Institute, Univeristy of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Determining the sensitivity of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Holocene is a key prerequisite for understanding the future response of the ice sheet to global warming. It has proven difficult to constrain the glacial history of particularly North Greenland using 10Be exposure dating, an area predicted to be a key component in future mass loss from the ice sheet. This project  will use cosmogenic in-situ 14C exposure dating to constrain Holocene ice sheet fluctuations in North Greenland.

Cosmogenic nuclides are produced in rocks when cosmic rays hit the surface of the Earth. The cosmogenic nuclide inventory of a rock surfaces is therefore a key tool for chronicling the waxing and waning of ice. The most commonly analyzed nuclide is 10Be, which has a half-life of 1.4 Myr. However, a particular challenge arises in regions where the ice sheet base is cold and slow-moving. In these regions, erosion rates are low and 10Be inventories produced during earlier exposure periods accumulate instead of being removed, which result in exposure ages older than the last period of exposure. To circumvent this problem, we use in-situ produced cosmogenic 14C. Due to the shorter half-life (5730 yr), in-situ 14C inventories will, contrary 10Be, decrease not only because of rock surface erosion but also due to shielding from ice cover. Measurements of in-situ 14C , carried out at the in-situ 14C  line at Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics, ETH Zürich, can therefore help to obtain more reliable ice reconstructions for North Greenland.



Studying LiBO2 fluxes and low-temperature combustion systematics with a fully automated in situ cosmogenic 14C processing system at PRIME Lab

Lifton N1, Koester A1

1Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States

Extraction procedures for in situ cosmogenic 14C (in situ 14C) from quartz require quantitative isotopic yields while maintaining scrupulous isolation from ubiquitous atmospheric/organic 14C. These time- and labor-intensive procedures are ripe for automation; unfortunately, our original automated in situ 14C extraction and purification systems, reconfigured and retrofitted from our original systems at the University of Arizona, proved less reliable than hoped. We therefore installed a fully automated stainless-steel system (except for specific glass or fused-quartz components) incorporating more reliable valves and improved actuator designs, along with a more robust liquid nitrogen distribution system. As with earlier versions, the new system uses a degassed LiBO2 flux to dissolve the quartz sample in an ultra-high-purity oxygen atmosphere, after a lower-temperature combustion step to remove atmospheric/organic 14C.

We first compared single-use high-purity Al2O3 vs. reusable Pt/10%Rh sample combustion boats. The Pt/10%Rh boats heat more evenly than the Al2O3, reducing procedural blank levels and variability for a given LiBO2 flux. This lower blank variability also allowed us to trace progressively increasing blanks to the fluxes from our original manufacturer. Switching to a new manufacturer returned our blanks to consistently low levels.

We also analyzed the CRONUS-A intercomparison material to investigate sensitivity of extracted 14C concentrations to the temperature and duration of the combustion step. Results indicate that 1-hr combustion steps at either 500 or 600°C yield results consistent with the original intercomparison value of Jull et al. (2015), while 2 hr at 600°C results in loss of ca. 10% of the high-temperature 14C inventory.



Calculating catchmentwide erosion rates using an existing online calculator


Stübner K1, Balco G2

1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany, 2Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley, USA

The calculation of exposure ages and erosion rates from 10Be and 26Al concentrations in quartz is widely used in geomorphological and Quaternary geological applications. Existing calculators provide a simple means to compute age or erosion rate in a consistent and reproducible way and without the need to delve deeply into production scaling schemes and palaeomagnetic field models. Catchmentwide erosion rates reflect the production rates of the entire basin, and their calculation requires knowledge of the complete production rate model. A "basin production rate" may be approximated from the basin mean geographic coordinates and mean elevation, but because production varies (approximately) exponentially with elevation this approach generally underestimates the true production. Dedicated programs calculate production rates on the scale of a river catchment and explore, for example, the impact of different scaling schemes, muogenic production models, palaeomagnetic models, or the spatial resolution of topographic data. While these programs compute catchmentwide erosion rates the calculation is independent from the commonly used exposure age and erosion rate calculators, and the results are not directly comparable. Here we introduce a new python-based tool that uses the popular online calculator by G. Balco [http://hess.ess.washington.edu/] to compute the complete production rate model of a river catchment and to determine catchmentwide erosion rates from cosmogenic nuclide data. Our goal is to provide an easy-to-use catchmentwide erosion rate calculator, which is fully integrated with existing exposure age and (in situ) erosion rate calculators for consistent and reproducible evaluation of cosmogenic nuclide data in Quaternary geology.



A software framework for calculating compositionally dependent in situ 14C production rates

Koester A1, Lifton N1

1Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States

In situ cosmogenic nuclides have revolutionized surficial process and Quaternary geologic studies, yet in situ cosmogenic ¹⁴C (in situ ¹⁴C) is unique among commonly measured nuclides in that its 5.7 ky half-life enables constraints on complex exposure/burial histories during the last ~25 ka. However, measurements are currently limited to common, but not ubiquitous, coarse-grained quartz-bearing rocks. The ability to extract in situ ¹⁴C from quartz-poor and fine-grained rocks would expand applications to a broader array of landscapes. As a first step toward this goal, a robust means of interpreting in situ ¹⁴C concentrations derived from rocks and minerals spanning wider compositional ranges is crucial. We have developed a MATLAB®-based software framework to quantify spallogenic production of in situ ¹⁴C from a wide range of silicate rock and mineral compositions, based on measured and modelled excitation functions. As expected from prior work, production from oxygen dominates the overall in situ ¹⁴C signal, accounting for >90% of production at sea-level and high latitudes. This work confirms that Si, Al, and Mg are important targets, but predicts greater production from Na than previously recognized. The compositionally dependent production rates predicted for rock and mineral compositions considered are typically lower than that for quartz, dropping as compositions become more mafic (particularly Fe-rich). Production rates predicted for quartz and albite are comparable, however, reflecting the significance of production from Na. This framework should thus be a useful tool in efforts to broaden the utility of in situ ¹⁴C, but would benefit from improved excitation functions.



Isochron-burial dating of the oldest glaciofluvial sediments in the northern Alpine Foreland

Broś E1, Ivy-Ochs S1, Grischott R2, Kober F3, Vockenhuber C1, Christl M1, Maden C4, Synal H1

1Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2BTG Büro für Technische Geologie AG, Sargans, Switzerland, 3NAGRA, Wettingen, Switzerland, 4Geochemistry and Petrology, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

During the Middle and Early Pleistocene, the northern Alpine Foreland was glaciated several times and witnessed numerous phases of alternating incision and deposition, shaping the landscape that can be seen today. High elevated plateaus separated by deeply incised valleys, create a topography with relief of several hundreds of meters. On top of these plateaus can be found the oldest Quaternary glaciofluvial sediments in the northern Alpine Foreland. They have traditionally been divided into two gravel units: older Höhere (Higher, HDS) and younger Tiefere (Lower, TDS) Deckenschotter. The HDS is located topographically higher by ~100-150 m than the TDS. The Deckenschotter consist mainly of glaciofluvial sediments intercalated with glacial and/or overbank deposits and form gravel terraces located up to about 250 m above the modern valley bottom. Their exact time of deposition is an important source of information for establishing erosion and incision scenarios and quantification of landscape evolution in the northern Alpine Foreland during the Middle and Early Pleistocene. Our focus is placed on similar and complementary Deckenschotter deposits outcropping in several sites across the northern Alpine Foreland. In selected six sites, we implement isochron-burial dating technique with a pair of cosmogenic nuclides 26Al and 10Be, to further examine and refine the question of the age of the Deckenschotter. The first preliminary age estimates point to deposition in the latter part of the Early Pleistocene. With the aim to determine the age of these sediments, the results will also complement our understanding of landscape change during and after Deckenschotter times.



New evidence for the persistence of the Ilanzersee (Flims rockslide)

Grischott R1,2, Wacker L2, von Poschinger A3, Gilli A4

1Büro Für Technische Geologie, Sargans, Switzerland, 2Laboratory for Ion Beam Physics, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Private adress, Kempfenhausen, Germany, 4Department of Earth Sciences, Zurich, Switzerland

The Flims rockslide is one of the largest known rockslide in the Alps and had a strong influence on the landscape evolution in the Vorderrhein-Valley. The Flims rockslide (volume 9–12 km³) has been dated to 9400 cal yr BP with the radiocarbon method [2]. The Vorderrhein was completely blocked by a more than 600 m-thick landslide dam and a lake, Ilanzersee, formed upstream [1]. Its maximum level obviously did not reach higher up than 930 m a.s.l. After the breach of the dam, an important sediment transport down the Rhine valley had occurred. Nevertheless, a relict lake existed for a longer time, probably for centuries. A level of about 820 m a.s.l that was held for fairly long time. The duration of this second lake level, until the lake was finally emptied, has not been clear so far. Drill cores retrieved along a transect of 4 km on top of the former delta plain of Ilanzersee revealed the continuous presence of typical fine-grained delta sediments overlain by recent fluvial sediments. A wood fragment embedded in delta sediment was dated to 8900-9000 cal yr BP and supports geological evidence found elsewhere, that the lake persisted during quite a long time. More samples from other drillings will be analysed to underline this first evidence.


[1]: Von Poschinger 2005

[2]: Deplazes et al., 2007



Comparison of two 10Be purification methods for AMS measurement

Loftfield J1, Lachner J2, Malter M1, Stübner K2, Adolphi F1

1Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany, 2Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany

The cosmogenic radionuclide 10Be is a powerful tool in paleosciences. Its applications include the dating of rocks and sediments, reconstruction of past changes in solar activity and the geomagnetic field strength, and the synchronization of climate archives.

However, sample preparation and especially purification of Beryllium from environmental samples can be time consuming and expensive. Typically, purification of sediment samples is achieved by a combination of hydroxide precipitations and ion exchange chromatography. Here, we test a method of successive hydroxide precipitations at different pH-values in combination with precipitation in NaHCO3, to purify samples of marine sediments from the Norwegian Sea and the Lomonosov Ridge for 10Be-analysis. We compare the performance of this method to an ion chromatography-based method (Simon et al., 2016) with respect to the Beryllium yield, purity of the resulting Be(OH)2, blank, and performance in the AMS for both protocols. We discuss the advantages and challenges of the protocols, their applicability, and their capacity in terms of sample throughput.


Simon, Q., Thouveny, N., Bourlès, D. L., Nuttin, L., Hillaire-Marcel, C., & St-Onge, G. (2016). Authigenic 10Be/9Be ratios and 10Be-fluxes (230Thxs-normalized) in central Baffin Bay sediments during the last glacial cycle: Paleoenvironmental implications. Quaternary Science Reviews, 140, 142–162. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.03.027



Status report of the in-situ 14C extraction line at HEKAL AMS laboratory


Buró B1, Fülöp R2, Jull A1,3, Molnar M1

1INTERACT AMS Laboratory, Debrecen, Hungary, 2Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas Heights, Australia, 3Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA

In this study we presented a new cosmogenic in-situ 14C extraction line at the ICER laboratory, which is similar as the one published by Fülöp et al.(2019). These extraction system used the phase transformation of quartz to cristobalite on high temperature in order to quantitatively extract the carbon as CO2. The system consists of three independent components. 1: used for remove the atmospheric and meteoric 14C, 2: offline high-temperature (1650 °C) oven  for extract and trapped the cosmogenic in-situ 14C from quartz, 3: CO2 gas purification and mass measurement line. After the extraction and cleaning, the purified CO2 sapmles are measured with compact 14C AMS system (Environ MICADAS) and the gas ion source interface. The extraction line allows for rapid sample throughput of about 6 samples per week. The  sample masses ranging between 4 and 7 g of clean quartz.

Purified quartz samples were sieved and used for analyse the fraction of  250 – 500 µm. The carbon yield from quartz samples are good and we have the expected values.

Our first tests were on the borehole CO2 blank gas and Cronus-R standards. The blank level of the whole line is quite low. We get similar experiences and results as Fülöp et al. (2019).



³²Si – An alternative radionuclide for dating the recent past?

Schlomberg M1, Vockenhuber C1, Synal H1

1Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Dating the last few hundred years is challenging with currently used radionuclides: To date with ¹⁴C (half-life of 5700 a) is difficult due to ambiguities in the calibration curve in the last ~400 years, although the last 80 years can be again well dated due to the bomb peak of the ¹⁴C concentration and its subsequent dilution. Dating methods based on shorter-lived nuclides like ³H (12.3 a) and ²¹⁰Pb (22.3 a) can only be used in the last ~100 a. A promising candidate for filling this dating gap is cosmogenic ³²Si with a half-life of ~150 a.

However, the application of ³²Si has so far been limited by the imprecisely known half-life. As part of the SINCHRON collaboration which aims at a redetermination of the half-life of ³²Si, the Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics (LIP) at ETH Zurich will perform the AMS measurements for the determination of the absolute number of ³²Si atoms in samples used for activity measurements.

In this poster, the potential of ³²Si as dating tool is discussed and an overview of the previous half life measurements is given. First results concerning the AMS measurement technique are presented and an outlook for potential ³²Si measurements in environmental samples is given.



Studying 14C production in meteorites using the Bernese 14C extraction line and the MICADAS system at LARA, University of Bern

Tauseef M1, Leya I1, Szidat S2, Gattacceca J3

1Space Research and Planetary Sciences, University of Bern, , Switzerland, 2Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Bern, , Switzerland, 3CNRS, Aix Marseille University, CEREGE,  Aix-en-Provence, France

Carbon-14 dating is the most robust technique for determining the terrestrial ages of meteorites. With our updated ¹⁴C extraction system, we can measure up to 15 samples without breaking the vacuum, thereby achieving low blanks and a high sample throughput (Sliz et al. 2018, 2020). Briefly, we are able to quantitatively and reproducibly extract CO₂ gas from pre-cleaned meteorite samples (typical masses 50 mg). Preheating the samples at 500 °C in a continuous flow of pure oxygen reduces the remaining atmospheric contamination. Gas extraction is at ~1600 °C under an O₂ partial pressure of 30±5 mbar for 10 min. Evolved gases are first purified at 500°C –1000°C using CuO, quartz spherules, and silver wool. Next, gases are cleaned and separated using a water trap at –78 °C and cold fingers (~100 °C). The purified CO₂ gas is then collected in a glass capillary and is subsequently introduced into the gas ion source of the MICADAS AMS system (University of Bern). We finally give our results as specific activity concentrations (dpm/kg), which are then used to determine the terrestrial ages of meteorites. Here we will present new data for ¹⁴C and ¹⁰Be activity concentrations in freshly fallen meteorites to better constrain the ¹⁴C and ¹⁰Be production rates and consequently determine more accurate and more precise terrestrial ages of meteorites.


Sliz M.U. et al. 2018. 81st Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2067)

Sliz M.U. et al. 2020. Radiocarbon Vol 62, Nr 5, p 1371–1388