
Studying LiBO2 fluxes and low-temperature combustion systematics with a fully automated in situ cosmogenic 14C processing system at PRIME Lab

Lifton N1, Koester A1

1Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States

Extraction procedures for in situ cosmogenic 14C (in situ 14C) from quartz require quantitative isotopic yields while maintaining scrupulous isolation from ubiquitous atmospheric/organic 14C. These time- and labor-intensive procedures are ripe for automation; unfortunately, our original automated in situ 14C extraction and purification systems, reconfigured and retrofitted from our original systems at the University of Arizona, proved less reliable than hoped. We therefore installed a fully automated stainless-steel system (except for specific glass or fused-quartz components) incorporating more reliable valves and improved actuator designs, along with a more robust liquid nitrogen distribution system. As with earlier versions, the new system uses a degassed LiBO2 flux to dissolve the quartz sample in an ultra-high-purity oxygen atmosphere, after a lower-temperature combustion step to remove atmospheric/organic 14C.

We first compared single-use high-purity Al2O3 vs. reusable Pt/10%Rh sample combustion boats. The Pt/10%Rh boats heat more evenly than the Al2O3, reducing procedural blank levels and variability for a given LiBO2 flux. This lower blank variability also allowed us to trace progressively increasing blanks to the fluxes from our original manufacturer. Switching to a new manufacturer returned our blanks to consistently low levels.

We also analyzed the CRONUS-A intercomparison material to investigate sensitivity of extracted 14C concentrations to the temperature and duration of the combustion step. Results indicate that 1-hr combustion steps at either 500 or 600°C yield results consistent with the original intercomparison value of Jull et al. (2015), while 2 hr at 600°C results in loss of ca. 10% of the high-temperature 14C inventory.