Quantifying fossil carbon utilization and release from eroding permafrost coastlines – results from an incubation experiment
Ruben M1,2, Marchant H3,4, Wietz M1,4, Genz T1, Mollenhauer G1,2,3
1Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany, 2Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, 3MARUM - Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften der Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, 4Max-Planck/Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany
The carbon-rich permafrost bounded coastlines of the Arctic represent around a third of the total global coastline. Rising sea-level and temperatures are increasing erosion of these coastlines by tens of meters annually. Coastal erosion results in the mobilization of large quantities of previously freeze-locked fossil organic carbon, which then may become degraded, potentially causing a positive feedback loop. Despite the tremendous impact the mobilized permafrost organic carbon may have on atmospheric greenhouse gas levels, the extent to which eroded fossil permafrost organic matter can be utilized by microbes in the Arctic Ocean is poorly constrained. Hence, previous studies, models, and eventually decisions of policy makers have relied largely on assumptions on the strength of this permafrost carbon feedback.
To tackle this issue, we incubated permafrost soil from the Lena delta in natural coastal sea water collected in the Arctic Ocean in the eastern Kara Sea. Using a multi-disciplinary approach combining biogeochemical analyses (C, N, & P), DNA sequencing of bacterial communities and radiocarbon dating, we are now for the first time able to prove and quantify fossil carbon utilization and establish tentative links to microbial communities. Our data clearly indicate that fossil permafrost organic carbon is highly bio-available to water column microorganisms, indicating that coastal permafrost erosion is a source of fossil carbon emissions, thus constituting a self-enhancing positive feedback loop of Arctic climate change.
Radiocarbon age of organic matter of supraglacial systems of mountain glaciers using the example of the Garabashi Glacier (Northern Caucasus)
Zazovskaya E1, Mergelov N1, Dolgikh A1, Shishkov V1, Turchinskaya S1, Dobryanskiy A1, Goryachkin S1
1Institute of geography RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation
In modern terms, glaciers constitute a large terrestrial biome, unique in that they integrate autotrophic-heterotrophic ecosystems with the most significant contribution from abiotic processes. This view of glacial systems makes it particularly interesting to consider how old carbon can accumulate in glaciers, what its sources are, and what contribution this carbon makes to the formation of ecosystems, including soils, during modern glacial melt. The object of our study is the Garabashi mountain-valley glacier (43o 18' N, 42o 28'E, North Caucasus). Between 1997 and 2020 the glacier decreased by 27%. The content of organic carbon, nitrogen, their isotopic composition, and radiocarbon age (AMS) were determined in the cryoconite, moraines and soils. The resulting radiocarbon ages of the cryoconites range from 850 to 7500 14C years BP. It is important to note that we didn’t obtain a modern date for any sample of cryoconite. The age of soil organic matter on the 40 years old moraine is about 1000 14C years BP, indicating an inherited carbon character. The age of organic matter from nearby moraines also varies widely, ranging from 1000 to 4000 14C years BP. The obtained data on the age of cryoconites correlate with the results obtained earlier by different researchers for Arctic and Antarctic cryoconites. However, in general there is still no explanation for such an ancient age of cryoconite material. The main problem in the dating and interpretation of radiocarbon data obtained from the cryoconite material is the inability to confidently interpret the source of OM.
Insight in high alpine soil carbon dynamics from compound-specific and soil fraction radiocarbon analysis on a glacier forefield chronosequence
Smittenberg R1,2, Schwab V3, Gierga M2, Bernasconi S2, Hajdas I4, Wacker L4, Trumbore S3,5, Xu X5
1Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 2ETH Zurich, Geological Inst., Zurich, Switzerland, 3Department Biogeochemical Processes, Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany, 4Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 5Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, USA
The ecosystem carbon balance of high latitude and high altitude ecosystems are particularly sensitive to climate change, where increasing temperatures generally lead to a rise of the ecosystem carbon balance, but also increasing carbon turnover times. In this study, we investigated the carbon dynamics of the 150 year-long Damma Glacier forefield chronosequence, Switzerland. Specifically, we performed radiocarbon analysis of total soil carbon, supposedly 'stable' carbon pools (fine mineral-bound, and peroxide-resistant carbon), respired CO2, dissolved soil organic carbon (DOC), hydrophobic leaf wax-derived alkanes, and microbial-derived fatty acids. Comparison of our results with the penetration of the radiocarbon bomb spike and the increase of soil and ecosystem carbon over the chronosequence allowed us to make the following inferences: (i) A small but persistent contribution of ancient carbon is present in forefield, which is particularly visible in the hydrophobic leaf wax 14C data. From this we conclude that this old carbon pool is at least in part a remnant of ancient soil carbon from a previous warm and glacier-free period, besides a potential contribution of fossil-fuel derived black carbon deposition. (ii) There is a significant portion of soil carbon with a decadal-scale carbon turnover rate, and (iii) mineral-bound carbon clearly has a lower turnover time. (iv) Microbial lipids, soil CO2 and DOC 14C content reflect different carbon sources: in younger soils, relatively low 14C contents indicate a higher relative contribution of ancient carbon decomposition, while in older soils this signal is swamped by decomposition freshly photosynthesized organic matter.
Export of pre-aged carbon to the Bay of Biscay at the end of the LGM
Queiroz Alves E1, Wang Y2, Hefter J1, Grotheer H1, Zonneveld K3, Mollenhauer G1,3
1Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany, 2NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Bergen, Norway, 3MARUM-Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
The last deglaciation was the most recent relatively well-documented period of pronounced and fast climate warming. As such, it holds important information for our understanding of the climate system. Notably, the mechanisms leading to rapid atmospheric CO₂ changes during this period are incompletely defined. While research into terrestrial organic carbon reservoirs has been instrumental in exploring the possible sources of atmospheric CO₂ during these periods of rapid change, the underlying processes are not yet fully understood. Here we investigate the mobilization of organic carbon to the Bay of Biscay at the mouth of the English Channel, where an enhanced terrigenous input has been reported for the last glacial-interglacial transition. We have established an accurate and robust chronological framework for this deposition, showing enhanced rates of sediment accumulation from approximately 20.2 to 15.8 cal ky BP. The compound-specific radiocarbon dating of n-alkanoic acids isolated from the sedimentary archive disclosed the deposition of pre-aged carbon with pre-deposition ages of up to ca. 30,000 yr, constituting the first direct evidence for the presence of ancient organic matter at the core location. In the light of what has been reported for other regions with present or past permafrost conditions on land, this result points to the possibility of permafrost and/or petrogenic carbon export to the ocean, caused by processes that likely furthered the observed changes in atmospheric CO₂.
Exploiting radiocarbon to investigate the fate of permafrost organic matter supply to the Canadian Beaufort Sea
Bröder L1,2, Lattaud J1, Juhls B3, Eulenburg A3, Priest T4, Fritz M3, Matsuoka A5, Pellerin A6, Bossé-Demers T7, Rudbäck D8, O'Regan M8, Whalen D9, Haghipour N1, Eglinton T1, Overduin P3, Vonk J2
1Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland, 2Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany, 4Max-Planck-Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany, 5University of New Hampshire, Durham, USA, 6Université du Québec à Rimouski, Rimouski, Canada, 7Université Laval, Québec City, Canada, 8Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 9Natural Resources Canada, Halifax, Canada
The Canadian Beaufort Sea receives large quantities of sediment, organic carbon and nutrients from rapid coastal erosion and permafrost thaw. In addition, the Mackenzie River, the largest North American Arctic river, discharges great amounts of freshwater, dissolved solids and suspended sediments to the Beaufort Sea. Current changes in these fluxes in response to the warming climate have uncertain consequences for the carbon budget on the shelf and in the deep ocean. To investigate the movement and transformation of organic matter along the land-ocean continuum, we collected water and surface sediment samples across the Beaufort Sea during fall 2021. Sampling locations span from shallow, coastal, sites with water depths ≤ 20 m, to shelf-break and deep-water settings on the continental slope (water depths of ≥1000 m). For this study, we use radiocarbon analyses of dissolved inorganic (DIC), dissolved organic (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) for surface and bottom waters, as well as surface sediments, in order to compare, contrast and constrain the relative source contributions and ages of these different forms of carbon. Our results will help to better understand the fate of permafrost organic matter in the marine environment and to ultimately improve assessments of the Canadian Beaufort Sea shelf as a carbon source or sink and its potential trajectory with ongoing environmental changes.
Radiocarbon age of plant remains in massive ground ice of the Barrow Permafrost Tunnel, Alaska
Iwahana G1, Uchida M2, Mantoku K2, Kobayashi T2
1University Of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, United States, 2National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan
Permafrost provides paleoenvironmental information from organic matter, gas, water, and sediment contents captured in the perennially frozen ground. Syngenetic ice wedges that grow laterally in frost cracks of the permafrost sediments are expected to be an alternative paleoenvironmental proxy where information from nearby glacier/ice sheet core or lake sediments is unavailable. Massive ground ice found in the Barrow Permafrost Tunnel at the depth range between 3 and 7 m from the surface has been interpreted as ice-wedge and used to reconstruct environmental changes in the early Holocene. To better understand the development of the massive ground ice, we conducted Radiocarbon dating of plant remains and stable isotope analysis of the ice along with two profiles. Combining with previous results, we mapped the radiocarbon age distribution within the massive ground ice. The age distribution from our dense sampling showed two ice regions with similar ages centering 11,200 and 10,200 yBP divided by a relatively narrow region of intermediate age along with the 5-m profile parallel to the tunnel long-axis. From the other sampling profile that is perpendicular to the tunnel, the youngest age (8,451 yBP) was found from the NW end of the profile. The water stable isotopes from the profile perpendicular to the tunnel showed the lowest anomaly at the SE end, which contradicts the ice-wedge origin assumption. Our results indicate the existence of unknown processes in the massive ice growth or large randomness of cracking locations during ice-wedge development.
Multiple radiocarbon dating of POC, DOC, DIC, and plant remains in ground ice of Siberian permafrost
Minami M1, Sato R1, Iwahana G2, Hiyama T1
1Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, 2University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, USA
For understanding paleoclimate changes and hydrological environmental changes preserved in ground ice, it is important to determine the chronology of the ice formation. To examine which carbon fraction in ground ice shows the most true formation age, we performed multiple 14C dating of some carbon fractions in ground ice: particulate organic carbon (POC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and plant remains. The ground ice samples used are permafrost outcrops collected at Syrdakh and Churapcha, near the city of Yakutsk, Russia. The thawing samples were filtered through a 0.7-μm quartz filter, and the filtrate was ultrafiltered through a 10,000 MWCO (Molecular Weight Cut-Off) followed by a 3,000 MWCO (Vivaspin Turbo, Sartorius). The 14C ages of POC in the ground ice samples were 40−27 kyr BP, which is about 10,000 years older than the plant age of 24−22 kyr BP, while the 14C ages of DOC varied with molecular size: 28−19 kyr BP for the 0.7 μm−10,000 MW and 10,000−3,000 MW fractions, and a younger age of 18−12 kyr BP for the <3000 MW, which is similar to 14C ages for DIC.
We will discuss the result of the multiple 14C dating to determine which carbon fraction in the ground ice is most suitable for accurate dating of the ice formation.