
Insight in high alpine soil carbon dynamics from compound-specific and soil fraction radiocarbon analysis on a glacier forefield chronosequence

Smittenberg R1,2, Schwab V3, Gierga M2, Bernasconi S2, Hajdas I4, Wacker L4, Trumbore S3,5, Xu X5

1Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 2ETH Zurich, Geological Inst., Zurich, Switzerland, 3Department Biogeochemical Processes, Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany, 4Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 5Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, USA

The ecosystem carbon balance of high latitude and high altitude ecosystems are particularly sensitive to climate change, where increasing temperatures generally lead to a rise of the ecosystem carbon balance, but also increasing carbon turnover times. In this study, we investigated the carbon dynamics of the 150 year-long Damma Glacier forefield chronosequence, Switzerland. Specifically, we performed radiocarbon analysis of total soil carbon, supposedly 'stable' carbon pools (fine mineral-bound, and peroxide-resistant carbon), respired CO2, dissolved soil organic carbon (DOC), hydrophobic leaf wax-derived alkanes, and microbial-derived fatty acids. Comparison of our results with the penetration of the radiocarbon bomb spike and the increase of soil and ecosystem carbon over the chronosequence allowed us to make the following inferences: (i) A small but persistent contribution of ancient carbon is present in forefield, which is particularly visible in the hydrophobic leaf wax 14C data. From this we conclude that this old carbon pool is at least in part a remnant of ancient soil carbon from a previous warm and glacier-free period, besides a potential contribution of fossil-fuel derived black carbon deposition. (ii) There is a significant portion of soil carbon with a decadal-scale carbon turnover rate, and (iii) mineral-bound carbon clearly has a lower turnover time. (iv) Microbial lipids, soil CO2 and DOC 14C content reflect different carbon sources: in younger soils, relatively low 14C contents indicate a higher relative contribution of ancient carbon decomposition, while in older soils this signal is swamped by decomposition freshly photosynthesized organic matter.