
Using 14CO2 to derive fossile fule CO2 in the UK.

Wenger A1, Knowles T1, Chawner H1, RIgby M1, O'Doherty S1

1University Of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom

Estimating the anthropogenic component of carbon dioxide emissions from direct measurements is difficult, due to the large natural carbon dioxide fluxes. One way of determining the fossil fuel component of atmospheric carbon dioxide is the use of radiocarbon measurements, as carbon from fossil fuel is completely devoid of radiocarbon due to its age. 

The DARE-UK project is attempting to use high frequency 14CO2 observations at atmospheric observation sites to infer UK fossil fuel emissions.

We will present the first year of atmospheric 14CO2 data from 2 UK sites and a background site in Ireland. To cope with the large sample volume, we partially automated the 14CO2 sample preparation by developing an automated CO2 extraction system, that interlinks with a commercially available graphitization system.