
Chronology of the Barabinskaya culture (south of Western Siberia): Early Neolithic


Molodin V1,  Mylnikova L1, Parkhomchuk E1, Reinhold S2, Nenakhov D1

1Institute of Archaeology And Ethnography SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, 2German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany

In the southern part of Western Siberia Early Neolithic sites were discovered, which are characterized by flat-bottomed pottery. This allowed to distinguish the Barabinskaya culture. It is represented in settlements and ritual complexes, has a specific economic, as well as a certain set of stone and bone artifacts. The presentation offers an overview of the radiocarbon dates of the Barabinskaya culture, obtained at the Curt-Engelhorn-Centre of Archaeometry (Germany) and at the "Accelerator mass spectrometer" BIMP SB RAS (Russia). In total 32 samples were dated.

Dates obtained from the Vengerovo-2 site: (29409) 7510±26, (NSK-02843) 72014±139 BP.

19 samples have been dated from the Tartas-1 site. Six of dates origin from the dwellings: early – (NSK-1645) 7532±97, late – (29403) 7449±23 BP. Another 13 dates are related to fish conservation pits. The sample from the pit No 991 provided an early date (26158) of 8034±36 BP. For the pit No 1229 a date (29407) of 7344±24 BP was obtained.

A sanctuary at the Ust-Tartas-1 site dates from (NSK-2392) 7610±82 to (NSK-2394) 6389±57. For the pits No 18 and No 27, that accompanying the sanctuary, the following dates were obtained: (NSK-2181) 6394±64 and (NSK-2179) 7246±190 BP respectively. "Fish pits" No 7 and No 65–66 were dated of (39313) 7936±23, (39314) 7726±24 BP, (NSK-2182) 8170±71 and (NSK-2207) 8023±96 BP.

Thus, the Barabinskaya culture dates to the 7th millennium BCE with some precursors dating back to the 8th and an aftermath in the 6th millennium BCE.

Project No FWZG-2022-0006.

Keywords: Western Siberia, Barabinskaya culture, chronology.