
Time varying Local Marine Reservoir Effect in Coastal Systems

Macario K1, Alves E1, Oliveira F1, Chanca I2, Scheel-Ybert R3, Gaspar M3, Tenorio C3, Dias F1, Aguilera O1, Bianchini G3, Vitorino B1, Cardoso R1, Anjos R1, Muniz M1

1Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, Brazil, 2Max Planck Institute, Jena, Germany, 3Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The radiocarbon (14C) Marine Reservoir Effect (MRE) is known to vary with time due to global environmental changes, now better represented by the Marine20 calibration curve. In coastal regions, however, the scenario is considerably more complex and the MRE is influenced by carbon sources that exhibit a wide range of isotopic signatures. Indeed, the complexity of the carbon cycle in coastal systems demands extensive research for an accurate quantification of the MRE and its variability, which has the effect of hindering accurate 14C chronologies on the coast. The local MRE offset (∆R) in estuaries, is subject of the interplay of the hydrography with factors such as the regional geology, upwelling and sea-level variations. Using paired archaeological samples from the Southeastern coast of Brazil, we show a highly variable MRE and a possible correlation with the sea level regression.